The age of 25 may no longer be the age to think only about simple relationships.

The age of 25 may no longer be the age to think only about simple relationships.

Wen /half a cup of warm unwittingly pushed himself to the age of talking about marriage, and he didn't want to believe that he had suddenly reached the threshold of 25. And a lot of late 80s.

before you know it, you have pushed yourself to the age of talking about marriage, and you don't want to believe that you have suddenly crossed the threshold of 25. Like many girls in the late 80s and early 90s, they always feel that they are 18, but time accidentally runs over their youth.

when I was reading a magazine in the afternoon, I saw such a passage and felt very much:

recently, I often lamented with my friends that in the past, it was easy to fall in love only with love, but at this age, we can no longer simply consider feelings. The concept of love at the age of 25 is no longer a simple love, dislike, but will begin to carefully consider how to get along in the future. Are your work and life full? Can two people be happy together? Can you take care of parents and children together? Can we share all kinds of problems that may happen in the future?

from the bottom of my heart, I still yearn for pure love, but simply I like you, you like me, there are not too many secular factors, but there seems to be no room for such an idealized me in the real world. Reality tells me that marriage is marriage and love is love. But how much I long for marriage with love. I can't imagine how lonely I would be in a marriage without love.

occasionally, I envy those who can clearly understand what they need in a relationship, which seems to make it easier to be satisfied with happiness. Some people, you give her a diamond ring can make her heart happy; some people, you can make her a princess if you are kind to her; and some people stand there firmly to receive a satisfactory love because love cannot be captured and money cannot be bought. How tired it is to like a person, and how low the probability is to meet a person you like. So it's so simple that I like you, and you like me, and it has become an expensive luxury in the world.

2014 at the beginning of the new year, I received a text message from my best friend saying that she would get married on May Day. I'm not surprised by her sudden decision. I just admire her great courage. A boy is an ordinary person, there is nothing extraordinary, and even timid when speaking, but the only advantage is to be kind to her. But this advantage unexpectedly offset all his shortcomings, and his best friend chose him without hesitation.

while having dinner together, the boy sat there silently, listening to us. And I know very well that a boy will be a good husband, but he may not be able to bear the responsibility of starting a family. First of all, he has no skills, second, there is no stable source of income, and finally, his concept of home is vague, he is not ready for himself, the only thing he has is a loving heart.

maybe the power of love is powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it is not as powerful as the surprise and unexpected birth, old age, sickness, and death in reality. Maybe from the bottom of my heart, I long to be so brave, but in reality, I don't approve of such a naked marriage. If love is the bond of life and death between two people, then marriage is the ups and downs of a group of people. It involves parents who will grow old in the future, the next generation who are crying for food, and even the life circle of more people, which is by no means a simple emotion.

I have seen a pair of lovers turn from lovers to enemies. They fell in love with each other in high school and naturally agreed to be together after graduating from college. Of course, the woman's family disagreed and disliked the boy for not wanting to make progress, but the girl firmly believed that he would give her happiness.

at first, in a childless world, the relationship between the two was fairly harmonious and there were not many disputes, but with the birth of the child, there were more and more conflicts between the two. First, they have their own opinions on the gender of their children. Boys have old-fashioned ideas and prefer boys over daughters, while girls give birth to daughters. Secondly, boys like to drink and play games, have no plans for their careers, and muddle along with their lives. Before their marriage, they were all troubled by the oil and salt of money addicts after marriage. Girls are no longer naive, boys are no longer gentle and affectionate. Life goes on like this without interest.

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of course, this is only an individual case, and some lovers have embarked on the broad road of happiness after working together.

the above example does not mean that marriage must have a solid economic foundation and awesome career planning, but at least both parties should prepare themselves, not just on a whim.

Yes, not long ago, on the tail of 24, I was naively fantasizing about love and longing for platonic love, but a stumble at the age of 25 woke me up. If I need to get into a marriage, what am I going to do with it? is it just love? In the face of my parents who are about to grow old, can I give them a place to live? In the face of the upcoming baby, can I make it worry about food and clothing? In the face of the troubles that follow in life, can I deal with them calmly? No, there's nothing I can do for the time being. Maybe from the bottom of our hearts, we all have a fairy tale belief that the hardships come to the best, and that it looks like there is no way to turn but there is another village. But the reality is reality, when we are not well prepared for ourselves, how to love others, love the people we want to love.

once, like other young girls, they longed for pure love, but reality tells us that marriage without love is a tragedy, and only marriage without any support for love may not last long. Instead of letting it erode in trivial life, it is better to prepare yourself to let it bloom. Life is not an idol drama, not so many rich and handsome, not so rich and beautiful. Not all Cinderella can meet princes, and not all princes have a crush on Cinderella.

of course, apart from the girls who live in idol dramas, many people choose a marriage full of interests because of the unbearable weight of reality. About this phenomenon, we can not judge whether it is good or bad from a moral point of view, because everyone pursues different things, so there is nothing wrong with it. However, this kind of hope on others to change their mind, or try to avoid. You will meet whoever you are.

25 years old, if you are single, you will be forced to marry, you will worry that you will meet someone you don't like, you will yearn for love and you will be afraid of marriage. But you after the age of nymphomaniac can no longer live in Qiongyao drama, as long as love doesn't need anything else, nor as long as other people don't love, you need to calm down and perfect yourself.