Make-up and fancy make-up are the decision of tears.

Make-up and fancy make-up are the decision of tears.


look at me,

I'm still dressing up my mouth,

I'm still dressing up my eyes,

I'm still dressing up my reality,

I'm still doodling the facts between us.

I like makeup very much.

from my freshman year, my acting roommate taught me to draw eyeliner, and then another beautiful girl in the dormitory next door handed me an eyeliner after a quarrel with my ex-boyfriend and told me that there was shooting the next day. Don't let anyone see your embarrassing start. I fell in love with makeup.

sometimes, lipstick can make me avoid everything on my mind, eyeliner can make my tired eyes bright, and a box of eyebrow powder can make me delicate, remove the blemishes on my face and paint the earth-colored eye shadow. I covered myself full of troubles under my makeup.

I have a classmate who was in the next class with me in high school. Later, she also took the exam in Beijing. Now she has just graduated and majored in financial management. Now she has gone to the bank, in the customer department.

she has the most frequent contact with people in her profession.

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she is very hard at work and is company-oriented.

once I had lunch with her at the International Trade Center. It was her hard time to squeeze out. At dinner, she talked to me that her boyfriend cheated on me. She worked so hard because her boyfriend had no skills, she bought a lot of food and paid the rent, but after he got a new girlfriend, she heard her friend say that the boy began to look for a job to make money, to make the girl less tired.

she says it's chewy every time she mentions it.

"it's not that he doesn't have the ability, but that he doesn't love me enough."

she can only numb herself by working.

I feel sorry for her, but also very angry, why do good girls always meet scum men.

after dinner, when we were walking through the aisle of the mall, she hugged me and cried.

I touched her head and said, be good, everything will be all right. You are so excellent, there will always be a good man by your side, fall down a scum, you will have a chance to see good.

she nodded and cried. I couldn't reach her in high heels.

it seems that even the strongest girls will look like kittens one day.

be strong because she failed to meet someone who made her weak.

when she lifted her head off my shoulder, her whole makeup was spent.

eyeliner eyelashes are all wiped off by tears.

I asked her what to do. She had to see a client this afternoon. She said it's okay. I brought my makeup bag. Recently, I always cry when I think of it from time to time, so I'm always ready to fix my makeup.

I waited for her to come out of the toilet, and the glowing strong woman smiled and said to me, come on, baby.

I hope she finds a good man and loves her all her life.

put on makeup, wait for you to fall in love; when you leave, spend makeup, love is this thing, meet, part, say goodbye.