Hi, my onion boy.

Hi, my onion boy.

From then on, tears only flow for small love, not for rivers and lakes.


Dostoevsky, the name was memorized many times in my art exam. When I saw this sentence at that time, I just remembered, but I still couldn't feel the age of hell. I still can't feel the pain because I can't love anymore. Maybe it's because I happen to be in love, and I feel like I'm in heaven.

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most of the time, many people think that love must have a heartbreaking moment, if not, it seems that it is not called love, because it is not vigorous enough. But I think vigorous love is too much, two people look at each other with a smile, so walk without waves, it is already very good.

the fire in hell is too hot for me after all.


I hate that the spring and autumn seasons in Beijing are so short that I can wear a vest without a down jacket.

for extreme cold and hot, I prefer the former.

I prefer the snow to the hot summer.

this may be because I was born in summer and came to the world with a lot of heat.

as for love, I like the other person's temperature is just right in the spring and autumn, not even extremely hot and cold. Everyone has their preferences for love, some people like to show love so that every relationship is too hot. Some people like to be silent, wrap their trench coats across the street, hold what they love in their arms, and play with them only in their fingers.

people are very strange. Some people have fallen in love many times, but when they meet one of them, they suddenly come up with the idea of getting married. Some people never like to show their love, but when they meet one of them, they want to show everyone the pictures they have taken of him.

I didn't know that cutting onions would make you cry because I had never cut them before.

after cutting it in person, I found that I couldn't help it.

We have passed the age of meeting love. If we don't experience it well, we will no longer belong to this season of life.


once I was walking on the road after work, and pedestrians were in a hurry at two intersections of traffic jams.

A girl in front walked off the overpass barefoot with high heels.

she is not beautiful, as if she is not very happy.

I have a transparent file bag under my arm. I guess I just finished an interview.

go on, after crossing the crowded crossroads, to Yaojiayuan Road, the sky is crimson blue, like blue-black ink blooming in the water, sprinkling on the sky and throwing on the ground, the dense sunset just sank, the shadow of the street lamp bent, and I walked across a not-so-long bridge with dinner, just brightly lit.

I haven't seen anything like this since.

there are some scenes we will encounter over and over again, but many of them are difficult for us to meet again, perhaps because of each other. They let us no longer have loneliness in our eyes, and all we can see is love. Once our eyes can always see loneliness, lonely scenery because of each other, and become different.

our onion boy hit us in the eye, and tears have been shed only for love, not for rivers and lakes.

an onion boy manipulated our eyes.

tears no longer flow for loneliness.

Onion man, shoot your eyes,
