Your name is the shortest spell.

Your name is the shortest spell.

I thought I would be invincible, but when I heard your name, I still burst into tears.

I won't let myself grow old.

| Tokyo Tale of Ozu Anjiro

yesterday saw an introduction to a youth film called "Wang Jiaxin".

is about a boy who fell in love with a girl at first sight when he was shopping. After the girl resigned, he went to find a girl, but met a lot of Wang Jiaxin. A girl named Wang Jiaxin who is not Wang Jiaxin is always by his side.

in the name query column, I checked how many people in the country have the same name with me, and the results show that there are more than 80,000 people.

I think my name should be the name of a bad street, but for a particular person, I am a unique person.

for a particular person, the name is just a code name, a thought that can call you.

once I chatted with Ji Xiao about the topic of name. He told me a passage from Onmyoji, a dream pillow tapir: "name is the shortest mantra." If you have a piece of wood and an iron, you know it can be combined to cut down a tree, but when you don't know the name, you can't control it until you know it's called an axe.

sometimes I hear some names in my memory when I am looking for a house in the street and having a party with friends. If I repeat my name with someone I used to know, it will suddenly focus my spirit, and even suddenly appear those days I haven't seen for a long time. Many times, for a person, the name is like a mantra, pronouncing it is like controlling the other person, or even from another point of view, you miss it, you are controlled by the other person, or you will be silent, but the memories are only known by yourself. good or bad, sweet and sad, those sporadic fragments, bit by bit, put together all of a person, just because you heard the name.

if one day, you define a person, it may be a certain emotion, a certain voice, a certain smell, you define these fragments, love or friendship, you define these fragments, like or hate, it seems that we have mastered part of each other, however, because of these special definitions, we will be imprisoned by each other until many years, you hear these connections with each other. If you can disassociate yourself from it, maybe you can break the spell.

your name is the shortest spell.

I have a friend. I saw that when she was in high school, she wrote a person's name many times and arranged it into a heart shape. These childish practices made people feel inexplicably warm. After she went to college, she was also very relieved when she saw it. Because the name in her heart, the object of manipulation, has been changed. A person's name is a blockade circle, when a whole heart is occupied by the name, we will feel full, because it is a spell, the other person appears in our lives, casting a spell on our lives. When we are together, that is the only thing, if you poke a hole in your heart, it will take a long time to pass by.

I have seen such a movie. I have seen it for so long that I have forgotten its name, an old film.

talk about a girl and a man who are lonely strangers when they get to know each other, and they only have physical communication. The girl longs to know the man's name, the man doesn't let her know, and the man doesn't ask the girl's name and story. For a long time, apart from the body, the girl knew nothing about the man and gradually lost the desire to know, but the man fell in love with the girl, eager to know everything about the girl, wanted to know her name, but the girl was scared. The two roles were exchanged. In the streets of Paris, the man chased her, pestered her, and even became a madman. She finally shot the man in the apartment. The policeman asked her if you knew his name, and she said, I don't know him, and I don't know his name.

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I don't know the name, the spell is automatically broken, and I don't know anything about you.

of course it's more like a performance art. it's hard for such a story to happen in our lives, but the name is also a greeting that shackles human memories.

maybe you can cry when you hear a song when you eat a snack on the street; maybe you can spell out the name of the person you want to see on the neon sign; maybe you pass someone and smell the detergent on the other person, and you will mistakenly think it is the person in your memory. Maybe you can eat familiar home-cooked food, and you can also think of yourself when you came back from school at noon in your hometown. Grandpa took off your schoolbag and served the dish, but you can't eat it any more. There are so many definitions that it's hard to forget these tags with the unique brand of your memories, even if these people have disappeared in your life forever, and years later, you only have these slices of memories to keep company with your synaesthesia.

but your name is still the shortest spell.

when I read it in different places, it can influence my mood.

the affection, friendship and love we define can not go away even if the days fade away.

I thought I would be invincible.

who knows

tears still burst into tears when I heard your name.