You have to be wronged.

You have to be wronged.


I don't know who discovered it first, but the night is perfect for reminiscing.

A friend bought wine and snacks, filled the house, and said he wanted to have a drink. As a result, after a few drinks, a girl got high and began to tell her own story. She met the boy she met at a college dinner. The boy was tall, confident, and capable.

he asked her for Wechat's number and said she smiled sweetly. She looked at him, who was busy in the crowd, and suddenly felt that her heart had missed a beat. Love came to her all of a sudden, without warning. Just when she thought she saw some kind of hope in his concerning greetings, she was passed on at school as a laughingstock by the boy's friends for a week after she made a bold confession.

many people are used to soothing their wounds with alcohol at night. Night can easily cover people's scars. In the dark, we can unscrupulously expose our sadness and fragility, as if everything is at night. Have a reason to vent wantonly.

Xiao Y said that while giving love to the other person, he must have given him the right to hurt himself.

when Xiao Y first met the girl, friends around him reminded him that the girl was very good at playing and worshiped money. Xiao Y didn't take it seriously and thought it might be just for a while. Later, when he was getting deeper and deeper, his friend came to warn and dissuade him, but he still thought it was all right. Until later, he became more and more attentive, and the girl was in such a hurry that she was slow to reply that she wanted to be close to her 24 hours a day.

he said, "it doesn't matter if she uses me, just pay tuition, as long as we can be together."


We sometimes lament the cruelty of others and find it hard to believe that there are such cruel people in the world. Why pay all, in exchange for more only tears. Perhaps it is that person who has already pinched the seven inches of your feelings so that you are at a loss and gradually lose yourself.

Xiao Y has saved it over and over again, saying all good words and agreeing to any compromise, but why can't she keep a sentence, "Let's break up." His friends said that he was stupid enough to be so devoted to his feelings, and stupid enough to know that she was willing to accept his money from the very beginning.

"I can give her whatever she wants. Why did she leave me?" He asked me.

A little sad has nothing to do with love and hate, for a lot of things come and go, we are very powerless. The world is changing so fast that the people around us have come and gone one wave after another, and there is no way for many things to go back to the way they used to be. We always say that we should cherish the present, but how many people cherish it? they are not more sorry for the past.


in love, we always suffer some grievances. Maybe in this way, we can know how to cherish it in the next relationship. Many stories always have to be completed with separate endings, but we are just too young to know what it means to cherish.

someone must have made you cry in the middle of the night, burying yourself in bedding, wanting to drown in tears and night. Tolerance for the first time, forgiveness for the second time, tolerance for countless times, and finally you have to be full of scars to find that he doesn't care all the time.

people who are favored have nothing to fear, that's probably it.

Busylooking for a piece of short party dresses to flaunt your sexuality? In every style, you can now choose your style.

knowing that the other person will endure his grievances anyway, he will be hurt and tortured even more. The affectionate person is always the last one to be disappointed, and the ruthless person will not get a word of pity from him until you are bruised and bruised.

if that person always makes you cry, you don't have to feel sorry for him anymore.

those who can not return to the past, what else is there to miss?