We love you as much as you love yourself.

We love you as much as you love yourself.


my sister Xiaoyou and I especially like to write with a pen.

sometimes I send postcards or letters to people I value.

because I always feel that what is handwritten is full of resounding feelings.

Today, I tidied up my things until the wee hours of the morning and dug up some letters.

what I can write in my hand is not mailed.

one of them was sent home.

this reminds me that when I helped my sister move, we squatted on the carpet and read the letters he had exchanged with his parents, and the letters for four years and those after graduation were closely folded, and she arranged them in chronological order. Even now that videos and everything are so developed, she still insists on writing letters, which she says is "evidence of love".

I picked out a few representative letters of time, and Xiao you read it to me. She cried as she read it, then laughed again, and then cried again.

"I review it from time to time. This is the whole strength of being single in Beijing." she said.

Letter 1 & nbsp; (freshman)

Baby of Mom and Dad:

Zhan Xin Yue.

do you get used to everything in school in the new semester? do you get along well with your classmates?

after I sent you to school, my parents didn't know how they felt on the way back.

although we are happy for you and we have finally trained college students, my mother still cried.

your father comforted me while driving all the way, then we stopped talking, and then his eyes were red.

I don't know what my mother should do when you get married.

your father stopped talking later, but I know in my heart that he is not comfortable either, but the daughter always has to grow up, right? parents will leave you sooner or later, so they are even more reluctant to spend every period of time with you.

remember to eat on time.

your mom and dad who love you

Letter 2 & nbsp; (junior)

Dear baby:

Today, your father and I made your favorite braised pork at home. I heard that you will be back during the holiday after a while, so your father tried to cook and said to cook a braised pork for my daughter. It just so happens that your grandfather has been talking about you these two days. Your uncle bought an old-age scooter for your grandfather. It's very interesting. Come back and have a look.

our dog misses you, too. We are staying in your house today.

your mother cleans your house once a day, waiting for you to come back.

Love your parents

letter 3 (senior year)

Dear Baby:

how's the job search going? don't get tired.

Last time you wrote that there was a lot of pressure, no problem, no pressure, no money for your parents, be sure to eat well, don't lose money on yourself, don't be embarrassed to ask for money.

the insurance policy of the lucky money I saved for you since I was a child is now beginning to be returned. Mom bound your card number. The lucky money you received when you were a child was saved for you. You see, I didn't lie to you, it's all yours. The insurance company will return it to you on a monthly basis. Pay attention to Caen. There is not enough money for your parents, but you must eat well.

A few days ago, you said that you always stayed up late. My mother was very worried. If we thought it was too hard in Beijing, we would go home. Our hometown is not particularly bad. Of course, this is your retreat, if you want Beijing drifters, have a dream to fight, parents also support you, we all respect your opinion.

if you have time to come back at the end of the year, your grandmother had an old problem with her leg some time ago, and she has been much better recently.

Be ready to buy stunning sweetheart mermaid wedding dresses and catch every eye in the crowd. Consider these fabulous collections.

go home if you have nothing to do at the end of the year.

parents who love you

Letter 4 (third month of graduation)

Dear Baby:

as soon as your parents come back from a walk, your father wants me to write to you as soon as possible.

recently there has been a lot of trouble in Beijing. It is not peaceful. Mom has bought you another insurance. It won't hurt to buy more. You must pay attention to your safety. don't run out if it's all right. if it's not a party with friends or something, stay at home and watch movies and read books. Mom recently watched a TV show on the IPAD you bought for me. That fingerprint is always hard to use, and your father always says that I am stupid, just like how smart he is, .

I told your father that I was so stupid and gave birth to such a smart and excellent baby. I would have paid it back if I had been smart.

your father is giggling. Stop writing. I'm a little tired.

the next time you send a letter, you kiss your mother with lipstick and put on a piece of paper and put the envelope Leon together.

Mom and Dad miss you very much, my darling.

parents who love you

Letter & nbsp;5 & nbsp; (half a year after graduation)

Dear baby:

is it all right, baby? last time your letter paper was wrinkled, your father was very worried. He said you must have cried and written it. Don't try to say it's okay. Mom and dad are not stupid.

you said that someone at work is not very kind to you, right, good boy, this is all a process, you should know that society is different from college, not everything can be based on your temper. For the villain, then stay away, people do not offend me, if you really find fault with you, you have to warn him, if necessary, give us that person's phone number, let your father call him, do not let my daughter be aggrieved.

Beijing has cooled down a bit recently. I wandered around with your father and bought you an overcoat. You like to wear black clothes, but you can't always wear black. Mom chose a dark burgundy one for you. I thinkIt has to be generous. I'll send it to you tomorrow.

your father and I are fine. You don't have to worry.

it's easy for you to take care of your parents.

Don't always eat takeout, cook some porridge if you can.

parents who love you

Letter 6 & nbsp; (one year after graduation)

Dear baby:

Don't be too tired. I heard your roommate say that you have an upset stomach, but you eat irregularly and stay up late. You really let your father and I worry about it. We will go to Beijing to see you, cook for you and clean up the housework. We are too busy and we can't rest assured. Everyone takes care of you in Beijing. Your father and I will retire in a year. We are both in a hurry. We can't wait to find you now. Before we go, you must take care of your health, not to mention work when your health breaks down. Parents can only spend less and less time with you, how can we rest assured by the way you treat yourself?

know that you are eager to make money, so strong, this is like your father, hard and stubborn, also do not know how to take good care of yourself.

We love you less than you love yourself.

parents will leave you one day. How can you rest assured that you don't take care of yourself so much?

if you can't, find a boyfriend as soon as possible, and mom bought you another serious illness insurance. She doesn't want you to get sick, but it's always good to prevent it. It happens to be seven days before your birthday. Mom will send it to you as a birthday present. The other insurance materials bought for you are in the canvas bag at the top of our wardrobe. I'll let you know.

having an insurance parent can make you feel more at ease, and there is also a guarantee.

go home after running out of time. Mom will cook delicious food for you at home and break your biological clock.

good night.

your mom and dad who love you

Letter 7 & nbsp; (working for one year and five months)

Dear baby:

your grandfather is soaking his feet, using the massage tub you just bought for them.

two old people talk about your filial piety while soaking their feet. Your father and I will try that foot basin later. It looks very comfortable, .

the same sentence, don't always think about us, you are so tired, your family is very distressed.

when you were a child, your parents were so inseparable from you that it became a habit to take care of you by your side, but now that you are getting farther and farther away from us, we can't be by your side. You have to love yourself. Don't get sick, don't ask you to earn much money, just ask for your health.

We love you less than you love yourself.

remember this sentence and read it often. Don't stay up late, drink less, pretend you can't drink when you socialize, your father and I are worried about you. Have you read all the articles Wechat transferred to you every day? you must read them. They are all good articles picked out by your father and me in the moments. When do your body and organs work every day, so don't stay up late.

We love you, not as much as you love yourself. Mom, write it again and remember.

parents who love you

have written here recently.

the most impressive sentence is "We love you, not as much as you love yourself."

take out insurance for yourself so that you can have protection even when you are sick. Why do you say that? because I had myocarditis when I was very young, thanks to my mother buying medical insurance for me. Of course, health is the best, but it is the most secure to be prepared. Don't stay up late every day, drink less in social activities, and get tired of using running instead of smoking.

before you love others, love yourself first, otherwise, what do you love others with?

wander outside, so that parents can save their worries.  

because you are their destiny.