Reading is good, but there are some pitfalls to avoid.

Reading is good, but there are some pitfalls to avoid.

"Don't think that reading is the noblest thing. If you leave life and just read, you might as well go to the roadside and sell Youtiao."

there is no need to talk about the benefits and significance of reading. From childhood to childhood, we have heard enough, seen enough, and felt enough from teachers, parents, the media, and even our own reading experience. However, when "reading more" has become a kind of "correct public opinion", few people think about how to read books is really "good", or is it possible that "reading more" does more harm than good? This article intends to think about this, although reading is good, what traps may exist in it?

Barrier sources of knowledge outside books

there is an old saying that "two ears do not hear anything outside the window, but one mind only reads the sage book." there is a golden house in the book, and there is beauty in the book," which means that you only read books, but there is everything in them. In ancient China, this sentence still works. After all, at that time, information was blocked and the times changed slowly. Books were often one of the most important channels to obtain information. "reading sage books" meant "hearing things out of the window."

however, in today's information age, many people still regard these two sentences as the standard. They are indeed keen on reading, but they regard books as the only source of knowledge. Such a reading methodology is incompatible with the information age. One of the most fundamental features of the information age is that everything is changing rapidly, there are more channels for information dissemination, and the latest ideas and knowledge often appear in channels other than books. Books are only one of the channels to obtain information. in addition, brushing official accounts, reading news, fieldwork, on-the-spot observation, face-to-face communication, and brainstorming are all important ways to obtain information. if you still think that the book has a golden house, a beautiful face, and all the skills needed by modern society, it will block the wider world beyond books. Hao Mingyi warned about this early in Yue Reader, saying that although words provide "a very abstract and convenient way to perceive the world," it may also lead to "the gradual deterioration of our Omni-viewing ability to comprehensively use all kinds of senses." books maximize the spread of the power of words, and it also makes it easy for us to ignore-- even belittle-- sources of knowledge other than books.

If you ask about economic policy, it is like falling smoke. In the community, we call such scholars "nerds".

rote reading shields not only the sources of knowledge other than books but also one's experience. There is an online buzzword nowadays, "I have heard a lot of reasons but still can't live a good life." Replacement in reading, this sentence is also true: after reading so many books, how to encounter a lot of things but not be able to deal with them better. This highlights the importance of experience. The knowledge gained by reading is often literal, static, and cold, but if you can combine reading with experience, then this cold knowledge will become a kind of personal, warm, and empathetic experience.

this is reminiscent of the famous line in the Oscar-winning movie mind Hunter. Will, a talented teenager, is so arrogant and talented that Shane, a professor of psychology, said to him, "you're just a kid." you have no idea what you're talking about. So ask you about art, and you may raise the superficial argument in art books. You know a lot about Michelangelo, but you don't even know the smell of the Sistine Chapel, do you? Have you ever stood there and looked up at the famous paintings on the ceiling? You are young and tough, and if I talk to you about war, you will throw Shakespeare at me and recite 'Let's go to War, Dear friend', but you have never been to battle, never tried to hold your best friend's head in your arms, and watched him take his last breath, stare at you and ask you for help. "

stills of the movie "mind Hunter"

so Russell said that experience without knowledge is better than learning without experience. Bacon also said, "A skill means to study, an ignorant person admires it, and only a wise man uses it, but reading does not use it. The wisdom of using a book is not in the book, but outside the book, it all depends on observation." therefore, the Chinese ancients advocated "the sound of reading in the wind and rain, and the sound in the ear." Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, care about everything. "read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles." The sages have noticed very wisely that we have to read and experience, otherwise we may only be outsiders and spectators of knowledge, and knowledge has not been internalized into an experience that we can understand.

it is worth mentioning that this experience is not just literally visiting mountains and rivers to see the world, it also refers to the brave practice of "right" in our own lives and the experience of life that we cannot understand, and build real empathy for others based on experience. For example, if you have read a lot of books about migrant workers, but have not been to their homes or heard them tell their stories, the migrant workers you know are probably just a written group, not specific, living people.

knowledge out of the brain

We often say that the belly is poetic and bookish. It seems that the more you read, the more you naturally become wise and temperamental. But in the Outer History of the Scholars, we can see that so many scholars full of poetry books look sour and rotten. In Lu Xun's novels, Kong Yiji knows that there are four ways to write "fennel" in fennel beans, and the four inscriptions are full of benevolence, righteousness, and morality. However, people do not associate them with wise men.

the Outer History of the Scholars

this involves the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Reading can acquire knowledge, but reading does not necessarily acquire wisdom. pearls of wisdom the next stage of knowledge is based on mastering knowledge, thinking, analysis, and integration of knowledge, and then forming their unique views, and having correct judgment. This is like a person's easy access to Tang and Song ci, which is knowledge, but wisdom is the ability to acquire aesthetic appreciation in the chanting of ancient poetry. it is to feel the universal emotion and value of human beings in the aspects of the ancients' seven emotions and six desires, family and friendship, love of life, funny humor, kindness, and tolerance, to enrich and perfect individual life. In other words, knowledge is dead, wisdom is alive, and advancing from knowledge to wisdom is inseparable from thinking.

what is thinking? To use the saying of long Yingtai, "knowledge is something external to you, material, tool, and quantifiable knowledge," while thinking is "knowledge must be allowed to enter people's cognitive Noumenon and infiltrate his life and behavior." Cao Wenxuan, a professor at Peking University, also said, "Reading is not about loading books, reading with brains, and loading books with boxes." But the problem is that many people read books, but they just pack books without thinking. As the Japanese scholar, Shibuku Wayama said in "the finishing of thinking, "knowledge out of the brain is obese." they read a lot of books, and their brains are filled with all kinds of knowledge, but none of them are their own. Waishan Zibigu calls this kind of people "gliders". A glider looks like an airplane, but it is very different from an airplane: a glider does not have a power plant, has to rely entirely on other forces to fly in the air, and cannot fly for long distances.

"the finishing of thinking"

at the end of the recent college entrance examination, an old joke was mocked by netizens again: "the most brilliant period of life is six months before the college entrance examination when you know the working principle of celestial bodies, the organic and inorganic reaction, there is an elliptic hyperbola in front, there is a hybrid biosphere, outside can speak English, inside can repair ancient prose, get a series of numbers, Ma Zhe, trace the origin of China up and down 5,000 years. Yantai Chizhou Land and Sea tens of millions of yuan, both know the music art computer, and also to study martial arts folk vice, now, in addition to playing with mobile phones, a waste of people. " This joke vividly illustrates the distance between knowledge and wisdom. If you only recite knowledge but do not learn to think, practice, enrich your mind, and cultivate your character, then no matter how much you know, you have only mastered a lot of trivial knowledge.

to be cruel, trivial knowledge is no different from scrap metal, and then it is naturally "thrown away" (forgotten) by you. They come and go in a hurry, but they take up a lot of time and hinder your process of thinking. That's why the cultural scholar Bao Pengshan said, "when knowledge is not systematic, it is useless, but fragments." boring knowledge will make life boring, and trivial knowledge will make personality trivial, even obscene."

a wrong sense of superiority

I often read on the Internet that some educated young people "come home occasionally", saying that their grades in junior high school and high school are among the best in their class, and they are also one of the few famous university students in the village. They belong to "popular figures", and their identity is particularly strong. A few years later, when I went back to my hometown after graduation to attend a classmate's party or join a group chat, I was suddenly surprised to realize that those students with poor grades were "the best," married and had children, had a house and a car, and became very enthusiastic. Became the most popular person. By contrast, I have no house, no car, and nothing. Others in the group are chatting hot, but they can't find a common topic, dare not speak, and no one will think of it.

I thought that scholars should be respected and do their best. But the Fengshui turns unprepared, so there is a particularly strong sense of loss and resentment.

of course, there are complex social reasons behind the devaluation of college students' diplomas and the loss of identity, but this sense of superiority among scholars is also worthy of reflection. What kind of superiority? That is, they think that people who read books are smarter, wiser, and have higher status than those who do not read books. They should earn more money, have more power, and live a happier life than those who do not read books.

the reason for this sense of superiority is, first, the continuation of the ancients' old concept that "everything is inferior, but reading is high". At that time, "to learn literature and martial arts, goods, and emperors", the emperor was the only buyer, and reading was the only way out for the civilian class to change their destiny. therefore, the ancients looked down on those who did not read, and there was a saying that "the gentleman does not use the instrument" and "those who work hard govern people" and so on. The second is the deviation of our educational values. Examination-oriented education takes further education as the primary purpose, with scores as heroes, which is full of pragmatism and utilitarianism. Scholars can't help but look at reading from a practical point of view. I think that studying means going to college, finding a good job, and earning more money.

but times have changed, the emperor is gone, and a diversified buyer's market has emerged. Although reading is still the most important way for the lower classes to achieve social mobility, keep in mind that this is no longer the only way. You are studying hard in the cold window, and many people who do not read are also working hard to change their destiny. reading or not reading is just the difference between a narrow road and a narrower road, regardless of the size of power, status, or wealth.

and, "those who do well in their studies end up working for their classmates who are not as good as their own." this is actually a logical fallacy, called survivor bias, and we often see only a small number of winners. To say the least, even if "those who do well in their studies end up working for their classmates who are not as good as their own," so what? This is not that reading is useless, but that we define the standard of "usefulness" narrowly, only by the amount of money.

Unfortunately, individual scholars do not have a clear understanding of this. It is a good thing to have a sense of identity with reading, but they regard reading as a sense of superiority and produce some kind of literati narcissism, thinking that they are the favorite of heaven, different, "all the world sleeps, but I wake up". Finally alienate reading into a kind of high profit and high return. The newspaper's investment, as if he had read a book but was no richer than others, was that society had treated him badly. If such "ambition" is not realized, they will either begin to doubt the meaning of reading, doubt life, and then doubt society, and become cynic, or they will feel sorry for themselves, feel ill-timed, untalented, sad, and depressed. For such scholars, I think of Mr. Jia Pingwa's sentence: "Don't think that reading is the noblest thing. If you are separated from life and are just pure reading, you might as well go to the roadside and sell Youtiao."

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