Give in with a smile, not a pussy!

Give in with a smile, not a pussy!

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

it is said that the relationship between people is a complicated thing.

this is not true.

Life is an exchange of hearts. Don't haggle if you want to get along with each other without tiredness.

you know, there are some things that need to be put up with, and some people need to be left alone.

I have heard such a saying: "true maturity is not how much you see clearly, but how much you despise."

in life, there will always be big or small frictions. If you want to get close to others and get along well, you don't have to be tit-for-tat about everything.

making concessions with a smile is not cowardice or cowardice, but the great wisdom of dealing with others.


to get along with others, you should know how to make concessions

in the movie "Wild Story", there is such a plot:

male master Corey is driving a luxury car on a wide highway, driving, and there is a car in front of him constantly changing lanes, blocking his way.

Corey was very angry, accelerated to overtake, scolded each other, and drove away.

but without showing off for too long, Corey's car suddenly had a flat tire, so he had to get out of the car and change into a spare tire.

but did not think, just changed the tire, the car behind and catch up, the other party out of the car deliberately provocative and insulting Corey, and even smashed his luxury car.

watching the luxury car being smashed to pieces, Corey got angry and stepped on the gas pedal, crashing the other side with the car into the river and trying to kill each other.

in this way, the collision between the two sides becomes more and more intense.

finally, the fuel tank in the car was detonated and both were killed in the fire.

the beginning of things is only a small thing, but because they do not give way to each other, resulting in irreparable consequences.

Life is not an arena, there is no need to rank everything, win or lose.

the loss outweighs the gain when you get red in the face and let yourself fall into the emotional quagmire.

as the old saying goes, "Let people have nothing to lose, and let people have nothing to lose."

when you encounter disputes, you might as well be more patient. Maybe the way you quit now will become your future.


know how to make concessions and win the hearts of the people

Guo Ziyi, a senior general of the Tang Dynasty, performed a lot of meritorious service for the court, and was later named King of Fenyang.

therefore, many people are afraid and jealous, and what is more, they deliberately create gossip to denigrate him.

when the eunuch Yu Chaoen took advantage of Guo Ziyi, he sent someone to dig the ancestral tomb of the Guo family.

soon, the story spread to the court, causing an uproar in the court.

several generals under Guo Ziyi were even more indignant when they learned that they wanted to go to the capital to express their evil anger for him, but they were stopped by him.

what is even more unexpected is that when Guo Ziyi returned to Beijing, she unexpectedly took the responsibility on herself, saying:

"the minister led the troops all the year round, and his discipline was lax, and his soldiers did not know how many graves they had destroyed. Now that one's own grave has been destroyed, there is no one else to blame. This is retribution. "

Guo Ziyi's words were introduced into the Yu Chao en mansion. Yu Chaoen was deeply ashamed and vowed never to be an enemy with Guo Ziyi again.

since then, the feud between the two ended, and Yu Zhaoen also invited Guo Ziyi to visit Zhangjing Temple to show respect and friendship.

in the face of Yu Chaoen's step-by-step pressure, Guo Ziyi did not take it to heart, but knew how to tolerate each other with an open heart.

as the saying goes, it is better for an enemy to solve than to tie the knot. Sometimes strong against each other, needle point against wheat, will only lead to the loss of both sides.

it would be better to give three points at the right time, which seems to give way, but actually takes retreat as progress.

as there is a saying in Zhu Zi's Family motto:

"leave room for all things, be complacent and not go any further; leave room for doing things, and be kind and abstain from saying all things."

after all, people's hearts are mutual. If you are calm to others, they will be kind to you.

No one can walk forever with their heads held high, and they can only go far away from each other. Concession is the heart, retreat is love, try to make concessions in order to win the hearts of the people.

as the saying goes, leave a line in life so that we can see each other in the future.

walking in the world, will give in, know how to bow, often more able to win the respect and appreciation of others.


make concessions with a smile and live a good life

there is a saying in Cai Gentan:

"if you do not stand one step higher, like shaking your clothes in the dust and washing your feet in the mud, how can you reach the goal?" If you don't take a step back in the world, such as a moth throwing a candle or a sheep touching the vassal, how can you be happy? "

whether you are happy or not depends on your state of mind.

always carry troubles, happiness has no place to put; always care about trifles, it is difficult to smile.

I once heard a short story with a deep meaning of Zen.

there is a young man who is in conflict with others and always feels that everyone around him is against him, so he feels very sad every day.

so he went to consult a wise man and asked, "Master, why am I not happy every day?"

the wise man said, "then tell me what makes you unhappy."

the young people listed the things that upset them one by one.

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when I went out, I met my neighbor. The aisle was very narrow, and the neighbor said his car was coming first. I didn't want to, so I quarreled.

the neighbor's dog barked as soon as he saw me. I took pebbles and pretended to throw the dog. I was scolded by him and broke up in discord.

the young man goes on and on about his unhappiness, and the more he talks about it, the more resentful he gets.

the wise man smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll teach you a way to make sure you don't worry anymore."

Young people hear and rushAsk for advice.

the wise man said, "the next time you go out, if you meet a neighbor, you might as well take the initiative to let him go first; when you go back, throw in some snacks to play with the dog."... "

although it was a little unpleasant, the young man did it anyway.

A few days later, the young man came to visit the wise man again and swept away his previous depressed mood, with a smile on his face:

"after I went back, I did what you said. Now the neighborhood is much better, and the neighbor's dog has become better." and often sneak into my house to play. "

the wise man said, "should you know how to be happy now?"

the young man hurriedly thanked him and said, "Thank you for your advice. In the past, I was too competitive, too paranoid, and didn't know how to make concessions, which made me so sad."

there are always times of unhappiness and grievance in dealing with the world. Instead of arguing head-to-head, you might as well change your behavior from a different point of view.

sometimes, the timely concession is not to admit defeat, but to pick up happiness.

good and bad things will eventually become a thing of the past. Don't always dwell on trifles, but learn to laugh them off.

you have to believe that for those who are willing to give in with a smile, fate will give back the most sincere reward one day.

if you don't haggle over pennies when you meet someone, you can find more channels to happiness.

as the saying goes: a wise man is good at condescending, but a fool stretches his head.

the really smart people all know how to give in with a smile.

whether for things or people, learn to let one step wider, life will naturally be more free and easy, less unnecessary troubles.

after all, most of the time, what you argue for is reason, what you lose is love, and you don't want to give in. In the end, you will only hurt yourself.

making concessions is not cowardice, let alone stupidity, but is just unwilling to give up the ability to perceive happiness.

May you and I walk in a moderate, modest and courteous manner. Even if you have three thousand troubles, you can smile calmly.

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