"I am unhappy."

"I am unhappy."

Good night.

Do you know?

most people have seen Chunjiao Jiao Zhiming, which is starring Yu Wenle, but most people have not seen" one mind ignorance "(hereinafter referred to as" one thought "), which is also starring Yu Wenge. Although the release time of the two films is only a month apart, the response they bring is of two orders of magnitude.

I have written four articles about depression, but in the end, I found a very sad fact: the world does not need" negative "information at all.

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even my good friends will come to me and persuade me:" there are hundreds of thousands of readers in disorder. What if you write like this and affect them? What if we ask those people to give themselves some psychological cues? "

I was so angry that I had a big fight with my good friend in the car. I explained to him that depression is a kind of" cold ". It will not spread to the next person because other people talk too much about depression.

but it doesn't work, even if I convince this good friend, so what? I can't explain depression to everyone face to face.

No matter how much I write, will the friends around me who are haunted by depression get an understanding of the world?

I am too weak.

it is this psychological tear that leads to more and more patients with depression.